The Continent of Africa contains many different countries with various climates and micro-climates (Saikkonen et al, 2012). It is visited for a variety of reasons. People may visit for business, to visit family and relations, as well as to go on holiday. There are a variety of things to do whilst on holiday, from relaxing in the sunshine, visiting well known beauty spots and wonders of the world to taking part in safari and learning about the history and the culture.
There are many factors which are affecting the international arrival some of which include the fact that Africa has some of the world’s poorest countries, in terms of its tourism industry on a whole it is underdeveloped in comparison to other regions, climate change issues and regional conflict. However Africa’s international arrivals have increased by 6% in 2012. It is now the second fastest growth by region (UNWTO, 2013b). In 2012 it attracted 52 million international visitors. However, the destination of the visitors is not spread equally over the region. The main countries for these arrivals are: South Africa, Morocco, Tunisia and Zimbabwe. (UNWTO, 2013a), this is due to the land marks which are situated in these areas as well as the vast development of the tourist industry in comparison to other countries in Africa which are not of high demands in international visit. Burton (1995, 354) also suggest that the growth of the tourism industry in these areas are due to the political past that Africa has with Western Europe, these countries also have a good simple infrastructure , and European languages are spoken in these area which make it easier for tourist as there is a small language barrier.